Our Advanced Line of lockers features technology inspired by science fiction that our engineers turned into solid-state products.

The future isn’t what it used to be. Back in the day, the future meant that by 2020, everyone would be wearing jet packs, flying in cars, living on Mars, and talking to each on videophones. And though we may not be buying houses on the moon anytime soon, our advances in technology are much more fantastic than our 20th century hopes and dreams. Consider these amazing advancements that you probably take for granted every day.

1. Social Media. Now you can reconnect with childhood friends, keep up with your kids in college, and keep a scrapbook photo of every moment of your life.

2. Multi-use Rockets. We used to launch stuff into space and throw away millions of dollars’ worth of hardware. Now when we have a space launch, our rockets return to Earth and land themselves in one piece.

3. Cryptocurrencies. Cash money is so old-school. And thanks to the development of cryptocurrency, people are changing the way they conduct financial transactions using a more transparent, secure, and decentralized way to conduct business.

4. Mobile operating systems. Remember those video phones that everyone thought would be all the rage in 2020? Well, the truth is better than the science fiction. Our mobile phones are powerful computers that do a lot more than simple video calls.

5. 3D Printing. This wasn’t invented in the 21st century, but it was never affordable until now. Now you can buy a 3D printer at home for your desktop.

6. The Internet of Things. Originally conceived toward the end of 1999 by Sun Microsystems co-founder Bill Joy, the real application of Internet of Things started appearing in our consumer devices and appliances in the 21st century. Today, the Internet of Things includes our Advanced Line of Electronic Lockers.

Charging Lockers keep mobile devices like cell phones, laptops, and tablets secure, with dedicated charging cords for all Android and IOS applications. Now people can go shopping or have dinner in a restaurant and recharge their cell phone while they take care of their business.

Electronic Locker Systems can be opened without a key, accessed remotely, accept credit cards for payment, transfer locker rental locations from one locker to the next, provide access to packages being delivered or dropped off, and thousands of other convenient uses.

Innovative solutions like Electronic Locker Systems and Charging Lockers give people better control and more security in their lives. And here in the year 2020, creating more ways for people to have better security and control is the key to a better future. That’s American Ingenuity. That’s American Locker.